February 2021 – Elena Khomutova-Miller
After a break in January we came back strong with an exhibition of contemporary art, shape design and philosophy of colour work by Elena Khomutova-Miller
You can check out this video and all of our previous virtual exhibitions on our YouTube channel with music from local musician Nick Garner (Yes It Is)
Two Red Flowers Two Flowers Tulips Garden The Red Pot The Green Pot Teather of Flowers Red Tulip My Suisse Garden My Big Swiss Garden Mornings Rain Japanis Flowers Hortensia Flower Pot 1 Corazon Verde Clovers Tincture Ceramic Pot with Schlumbergera Between Flower Beds
An interview with the artist
When did you start making art?
Practically, since I was three years old, when they gave me my first box of colour pencils. My second stage as an artist came with attending the art school in my hometown, where I studied painting, art history and artistic drawing.
What kind of art do you create? Has this changed over time?
It is called contemporary art, shape design and philosophy of colour. In my works I try to give another shape to the objects known in decorative art, such as flowers or still life and I try to experiment with intense colours.
What inspires you?
My three great inspirers are: music, medieval art, and paintings by the Spanish – Catalan artist Joan Miro.
What do you do if you are not inspired?
Inspiration is for amateurs. For Art professional’s inspiration is a matter of discipline.
Where do you make art?
At home, in my mind, in my life. Where can someone see my work. Usually at my house.
Do you have any connection to the Chelmsford arts community?
Yes, I have participated in the Chelmsford Creative Collective meetings and lately I am working as a volunteer at The Art Place in Chelmsford. I have several things being exhibited in this place.
How often do you create Art?
Taking advantage of the lockdown restrictions we live in; I do Art creation every day or at least 4 days a week.
What is the best thing about being an artist?
It is the freedom of expression of my ideas and opinions on absolutely everything that surrounds me.
Where have you exhibited before?
My last exhibition was at The Art Place, Chelmsford in November 2020 and at the Lloyd’s Art Group in London. In 2019 I participated in the Art Trail of Brentwood.
Do you sell your work? If so, is it difficult to part with?
Yes, I sell it although not as often as I wish. Some works will never leave my house due to high sentimental level as it is about my old work.
What superpower would you have and why?
I hear my own voice. I read the tarot cards. I speak with stars. I follow my dreams.
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/elenakhomutovamiller/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/elena.khomutovamiller.58/
Twitter: @KhomutovaMiller